Photo-a-Day February {Week 1}
Recently I decided I wanted to set myself a little challenge
and try something a bit different, so for the month of February I’ll be
undertaking a photo-a-day challenge, in the spirit of the Project 365 photo
challenges. Through this I hope to improve my photography and gain a proper
understanding of how my camera really works. To help me to get the most out of
my project, I’ve devised a few rules for myself:
- I must choose one image only for each day
- The subject of the photo can be anything that catches my eye on any given day
- The subject of the photo must be different each day
- I can edit my photos in any way that I choose
- My camera must be set on manual and each photo must be taken using appropriate settings
- Each photo must be “deliberate” in the sense that I must think about the settings that I need to use for the photo and not arrive at a result through too much trial and error
I'll be using various resources along the way to try and learn the techniques, and I'm also very happy to receive any critique or suggestions.
Without further ado, here are my first set of pictures from 01/02 to 05/02.





So that's everything for the first week. I'm really pleased with my results so far although obviously there's plenty of room for improvement. I'm only shooting with very basic equipment at the moment (entry level camera body and kit lens) but if I can get to the point where I feel like I can get the best possible results out of my existing equipment I will be thinking of upgrading, at least to a better lens. For anyone who knows/cares about these things, I am still shooting in JPEG format at the moment but I do plan on switching to RAW eventually - I just need to do some more practice and also research into things like image editing software before I'm ready to make the switch.
See you next time for more!
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