
The 40s Fashion Calendar

by - 10:24

Brittany of Va-Voom Vintage recently blogged about a project she is undertaking in which she will be buying fewer clothes and making use of the items she already has in order to create one 1940s style outfit per month. This 1940s Fashion Calendar sounds like a really great idea for me, because I have a very limited clothing budget but I'm always seeking inspiration for new outfits.

1940s fashion calendar

Brittany provides a list of basic items which you need to get started with, and then small additions will be made each month to modify the outfits. Here's the list of foundation items:

40s Fashion Calendar Foundation Items
1 winter coat in any color or fabric that you like
1 small brimmed hat in any fabric, in a neutral color. Mine will be straw
1 simple suit (skirt and jacket) in a neutral color
1 dark colored bolero (will discuss patterns to sew your own)
1 pillbox hat in a neutral color (will provide a tutorial to sew your own)
1 basic dress in any solid color and in a non-sheer fabric

I have a few of these items already but will need to buy, make, or improvise some. Here's where I'm at with it currently:

Already own: 

Winter coat - have two options; a tan trench coat and my much-loved black fur coat

1940s fashion calendar

Dark coloured bolero - have two options but both are more 50s style, so would consider buying or making a 40s style one

1940s fashion calendar

Pillbox hat - may use my cream pillbox but would also consider buying one or making one from Brittany's tutorial

1940s fashion calendar

Basic solid-coloured dress - I will be using a mauve 1940s shirtwaist which I've had since the end of last year but which hasn't appeared on the blog yet (the colour is a bit darker than it appears in the photo)

1940s fashion calendar

Need to get

Small brimmed hat - I don't own anything suitable so will definitely have to either buy or make one
Simple suit - I only own a late 50s suit or a modern one which I wear to work; I also don't have an appropriate skirt and jacket combo. I'll have to buy either a suit (which I was thinking about doing anyway, if I can find the money) or a jacket to go with one of my 40s-style skirts. I might end up sticking with my late 50s suit if needs be although it has the typical boxy late 50s fit, so I'm still hoping to get something that, if not original, at least looks more 40s.

For shoes, I have plenty of options and won't need to buy anything. I have my original 40s black lace-ups, tan Mary Janes, tan brogues, or my new black loafers which I bought to replace my old pair after they wore out. 

1940s fashion calendar

I'm really excited to see what this project will bring for me. I can't promise I'll manage to join in every single month, but I'll certainly try. Brittany will be using the hashtag #40sfashioncalendar for the duration, so we can keep track of everyone's projects. I'll be Tweeting and Facebooking my outfits or sewing/crafting using that hashtag, so make sure you're following me on there if you're interested in keeping up with what I'm doing. 

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  1. That does seem like an interesting project, and I love the idea of a "back to basics" wardrobe challenge. I could probably stand to do something like this myself (although I don't know if I have the fortitude for it) - sometimes the desire for new clothes can feel, wrongly, like a need for them. I would love to know if, at the end of this, you come out feeling like you can be fashionable and happy with a very small wardrobe, or if you decide that rationing clothing is better left in the past.
    Jessica, Zella Maybe

    1. I'll keep you updated; I'm interested to know the outcome of it myself. I will still be wearing my other clothes as well so I'm not totally restricted, but I will definitely be trying to cut my clothing purchases throughout the year by a significant amount, if not completely.

  2. This is such a great project that Brittany launched. Like yourself, dear Helen, I have a very modest wardrobe (et al) budget and it actually got cut in half (truly) this year to try and make our overall family budget go a bit further, so while I'm not sure if I'll follow Brit's calendar and plan to the letter, I'll certainly be participating in certain elements of it by choice and default alike. There's nothing wrong, IMO, in making the most of what you already have and getting creative when it comes to your wardrobe. That was second nature for most of our ancestors and there's little reason why we can't strive to do the same (at least some years).

    Good luck and all the best with your 2015 wardrobe plans!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. I'm pretty much in the same boat budget-wise and I also might not participate absolutely every month - but I'm really excited to see how I get on with it.

  3. I'm also very interested in this project and will be try my best to follow along. It is a bit tricky, because like yourself, I'm missing some major pieces; namely the shirtwaist dress and 40's suit in my case. Both pretty crucial pieces. My plan is to try and sew some of the missing pieces, but I'll have to see how I go. It's going to be fun trying though I think! :) ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. Good luck with it! I wish I could sew some of the things as well, but although I can sew at a pretty basic level, I'm definitely not going to attempt making a suit...

  4. I'm going to look through my closet tomorrow after my hair appt and see what I have to play with. Like I said on twitter, I might have to thrift some things, or sew things. Lets see what I feel like doing, haha!

    1. I hope you can find what you need, let me know :)

  5. I'll also be joining in, too! I love her idea!
