
Outfit: Climb Every Mountain

by - 08:00

1950s outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

Dress - 1950s/60s vintage | Bag - 1950s/60s vintage
Shoes - Dorothy Perkins | Jewellery - Charity shop | Shrug - gift
Belt - gift | Hair flower - made by me from a Christmas decoration...

This was the first outing for this beautiful embroidered dress which I picked up in a charity shop in Portsmouth. It's a really flattering shape and will be great for wearing for teaching(however I believe it's a linen blend, hence the creases), and I just happened to have a sweet little shrug in a perfectly matching colour. I will have to take the dress up a little before I wear it again as it's fraying at the hem, but I'm excited about being able to bring it into regular rotation. The other accessories in the outfit were also really nice to me and came together exactly as I'd hoped. I love it when things turn out so coordinated. I also really enjoyed being able to use one of my vintage handbags, which I think really adds to the look. I used to use frame bags all the time but I rarely carry them any more as I find I need a much bigger bag to fit in all of my uni things. 

I'm hoping to visit this location again wearing something much more practical as it's a really long time since I was last here. Due to various personal circumstances it's likely that I'm not going to get the opportunity to come back to Derbyshire as often as I'd like, and it has so many great locations both for general days out and blog photos. Eventually I hope to uncover a few more of these types of places in Hampshire and Sussex as I really love the opportunity to get out of the city when I can.

Let's get social!

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  1. Oh, Helen dear, this outfit is so immensely lovely. It's chic, sophisticated, feminine and impeccably styled.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  2. The outfit is so perfectly coordinated, it's like the bolero and dress were made for each other. So classic and elegant, and the embroidery on the dress is beautiful. What a good find! And I totally relate to your struggle with tiny vintage bags- I always need a giant bag to fill with all the things! :)
    The Artyologist

    1. Thank you! I was really pleased with how well the dress and bolero matched as well. What good luck!
