
Save Home Fires! {& The Vintage Carnival Giveaway Winner!}

by - 13:31

As you may know, I'm a huge fan of period dramas and it's a huge highlight for me particularly in the Autumn when I can settle down in front of the television with a cup of hot chocolate and become absorbed in a good story with wonderful costumes.

Recently a particular favourite of both mine and my mum's has been Home Fires, a female-led World War Two drama following the lives of women of the WI and others on the Home Front. We never missed an episode across the two aired series, and have been consistently entertained by the gripping plot lines. I also really enjoyed seeing the hair and costumes used for the characters which provided a great source of inspiration for everyday 1940s outfit.

Sadly, as of 11th May 2016, Home Fires has been cancelled, but a group of fans have begun a campaign to save the show, including a petition and #savehomefires hashtag, all supported by Fred the pigeon.. If you're also a fan and are interested in how you can support the campaign (including a link to sign the petition), you can find all the information on their website here.


Secondly for today, thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway for the tickets to The Vintage Carnival. The giveaway has now ended, and the winner is Leanne W. I have passed your details on to the lovely people at The Vintage Carnival, and they will be contacting you soon to sort out your tickets.

Thanks to everyone who entered and I hope to see you all again soon!

Let's get social!

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  1. Thanks so much for spreading word of the campaign! Means a lot to everyone involved, Fred's particularly pleased with his starring role 😉🐦

  2. Thanks so much for your support for the Save Home Fires Campaign.We really appreciate it. Hope you enjoy our campaign song too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n68DH6vl7wk

  3. Thank you for helping our campaign,your support is much appreciated

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  5. Thanks for spreading the word we all love this programme. Hope ITV comes to it's senses before too long! 😃

  6. Thanks for spreading the word we all love this programme. Hope ITV comes to it's senses before too long! 😃
