
Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder {Brighton Comicon 2015}

by - 08:30

Brighton Comicon 2015

This year I fulfilled a wish I've had for a while in attending Comicon. I'm really lucky that all my new friends down South are into similar things to me so when a few people decided to get dressed up and go along, of course I jumped at the chance.

My costume this time is a recycled one from a previous event I went to but I have several other costumes planned for the future. Generally my rule with costumes is that I can only use things that are already in my wardrobe or buy things that I will definitely wear again. I feel like bringing a good costume for Con is a whole different thing though, so I have big plans.

I hope my costume is recognisable even if only through contextual clues but I'm Han Solo! I have potential future modifications planned for the outfit to make it more accurate, but I'm overall pretty happy with it.

Brighton Comicon 2015

I really enjoyed looking around all the stalls and saw some really cool stuff, although I restricted myself to just one purchase which you might see in the future. There were some amazing costumes as well, and although I was a little bit shy about asking people if I could photograph them, I focussed on catching some of my favourites on camera.

Brighton Comicon 2015

Brighton Comicon 2015

Brighton Comicon 2015

Brighton Comicon 2015 via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

My friends had dressed as the rangers from Jurassic Park and were stopped quite a few times for photos. It looks like a lot of the costumes come in pairs, so maybe next time I can persuade someone to dress up as another character in the same franchise as whatever I've chosen!

Brighton Comicon 2015

One of our favourite things from the day was this incredible Alien costume. The person inside the costume had got the movements spot on.

Brighton Comicon 2015

Since I haven't got any full-length photos of my outfit from Con (at least on my own camera), here are a couple of other almost full-length snaps from an event we went to in Portsmouth a few weeks prior.
   Brighton Comicon 2015

Brighton Comicon 2015

So tell me: have you ever been to an event like this? If so, did you dress up? Are you excited about the new Star Wars film? Let me know in the comments!

Let's get social!

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  1. Very cool! I got who your character was instantly from the post preview photo in my feeds. Your rocking that Star Wars look awesomely!

    ♥ Jessica
