
Outfit: Christmas Party

by - 08:30

1950s christmas vintage outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s christmas vintage outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s christmas vintage outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s christmas vintage outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

1950s christmas vintage outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

Dress - 1950s vintage, gift | Bolero - Collectif (last year) | Stockings - Primark
Shoes - Deichmann | Bag - charity shop | Jewellery - all gifts

I chose this outfit to wear to my friend's birthday party which was on Sunday, as I wanted to wear something that was Christmassy, but also could be worn for a party at any other time of the year. I actually wore the same outfit for my graduation ceremony in January, although with different hair, shoes, and accessories. I knew I would want to wear it again as it's so lovely, and the photos I took last time really didn't do it justice.  

I hope you all have/are having a lovely Christmas Eve, and see you on the other side!

Let's get social!

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  1. These are lovely shots. Merry Christmas 💞

  2. These are lovely shots. Merry Christmas 💞

  3. Beautiful outfit! Merry Christmas to you too.

  4. You look stunning! Merry Christmas!

  5. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all!

  6. Deeply elegant ensemble that looks flat out terrific on you, sweet dear.

    Joyful holiday season wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thanks Jessica! That's lovely of you to say :)

  7. I love this whole outfit from the hair to the shoes! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  8. Such a classic, chic and supremely elegant outfit! I love the beading detail, and your purse is so lovely ~ all the textures really compliment each other and make this outfit a standout. ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

  9. Utterly beautiful - so elegant and full of class! A belated comment on a lovely posting but it at least gives me the chance to say Happy New Year! Kx
