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by - 10:00

rockabilly via lovebirds vintage

Blouse and scarf (worn in hair) - 1950s vintage
Capris - Matalan, two-ish years ago
Shoes - High street

My DSLR has been acting up for a while so I've been using my old point and click but I feel like it tints everything slightly green. I think I've managed to sort out the problem with my DSLR now though, so with luck I can go back to using it soon. 

I wore this outfit to a vintage-themed get together that I went to recently (sorry no photos of the other ladies; there wasn't really chance to take any and actually not too many people dressed vintage despite the theme) and actually felt a bit underdressed for a change. Those who did dress up had all opted for frocks of course!

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  1. Such a cute outfit! Those capris are just adorable. :)


  2. Always so beautiful and elegant, my dear friend! Love those gingham capris, you look great!

  3. This outfit is so cute! You remind me of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday!


  4. Love this look! It looks perfect on you too!

  5. I have been going crazy trying to find cute, vintage-y looking capris that fit me right. Those are just too cute on you, I might have to restart my search. You look like an extra from Grease (in the best possible way).
    Jessica, http://cakesandcakesvintage.blogspot.com

    1. I hope you find some! I was lucky enough to pick these up in Matalan a couple of years ago, perhaps I should have bought a couple of pairs in different colours!

  6. the 50s top is really great! i have never found one like this in realy - just found them in old magazines ...

  7. I tried on those exact capris a few years back in Matalan! Not a good fit on me, but they're just perfect on you! x
