
Outfit: Christmas Presents

by - 07:30

Christmas pinup outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

Christmas pinup outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

Christmas pinup outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

Christmas pinup outfit via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

Jumper - M&S (last year) | Trousers - Lindy Bop "Bethan"
Shoes - Deichmann (couple of years old)

This outfit has been a real favourite of mine this Christmas. This occasion was my fourth time of wearing it since the beginning of December, this time for a Christmas meal with my immediate family and my grandparents.

I bought the trousers back in November in order to increase the portion of my wardrobe devoted to slightly more practical clothes for things like lab work or teaching. Although I bought mine with everyday wear in mind, I've actually only worn them so far as part of dressier outfits. They are incredibly flattering and now I definitely have my eye on a pair in every colour and print. The polka dot ones in particular are calling my name. I've seen these around quite a bit since I bought mine and if you don't yet own a pair, I really recommend adding them to your wardrobe.

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  1. I have these trousers too but they are full-length on me! I love them though, they're really flattering and were a great price for that. They seem to pick up dirt really quickly though! I actually wore mine with a Christmas jumper yesterday too - but my jumper wasn't as stylish as yours!!

  2. Wonderfully charming Christmas ensemble. I love the glam + cute + fun factor of that delightful sweater/jumper.

    Have a fantastic holiday, my friend!
    ♥ Jessica

  3. Gorgeous outfit, love that jumper! x

  4. What a cute festive jumper!
