
A Very Victorian Christmas

by - 07:00

I mentioned in a recent post that I was going to be attending the Christmas market in Winchester and was looking forward to taking some photos there. In the end I ran out of time to go to the market before I came back to my parents' house for Christmas, but I did manage to visit the Victorian Christmas market in Portsmouth with some friends, and the Victorian Christmas market in Melton Mowbray with my parents, brother, and auntie and uncle. I have blogged about the event in Melton Mowbray before in 2012 and 2013 (I though I'd been last year as well but can't seem to find the post about it right now) but the Portsmouth one was completely new to me since I've only been living in Hampshire since September this year.

I really enjoyed visiting the one in Portsmouth but the weather was really bad all day. We also got some bad weather in Melton Mowbray and ended up leaving a bit earlier than we have done in previous years, which meant we didn't go in to see the Christmas Tree Festival and I also didn't take as many photos as usual.

I'll start with my pictures from Portsmouth.

Portsmouth Victorian Christmas Market

Portsmouth Victorian Christmas Market

Portsmouth Victorian Christmas Market

Portsmouth Victorian Christmas Market

Portsmouth Victorian Christmas Market

Portsmouth Victorian Christmas Market

I actually only ended up with a couple of photos from Melton Mowbray but I thought I'd share them anyway. It was a shame to miss out on the Christmas Tree Festival but I had a really lovely time catching up with my auntie and uncle who I don't see very often.

Melton Mowbray Victorian Christmas

Melton Mowbray Victorian Christmas

I really enjoy going to these kinds of events near Christmas time and I keep saying I must get myself a Victorian costume for when I go, although it seems such a shame for it to be packed away for most of the year. Maybe another time!

Let's get social!

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  1. You'd look great in a Victorian costume too, I say get one!! They sometimes have Victorian events on at Cardiff castle but I've never been despite being local xx

  2. Definitely! I would want to sport a Victorian outfit to such a fun, festive event, too. I'm sure you'd look awesome in one, sweet dear.

    ♥ Jessica
