
Bronte Country

by - 09:00

Last week I went on holiday with my family to West Yorkshire. Although my brother and I are in our 20s, we still like to go on holiday as a family whilst we're all living within reasonable driving distance of each other, and this time we chose Yorkshire because it would be easy for my brother to travel to and from his flat in Leeds as he only had a few days to spare in between having to work.

Grassington, Yorkshire



Unfortunately, although the weather was lovely on the day of our arrival, it basically sucked the rest of the week. We had rain, unseasonably cold temperatures and very high winds, with the result that I could barely be separated from my ever-so-glamourous cagoule for the duration.

Helen St

See? Gorgeous.

Underneath the cagoule I kept it super easy with Freddies and cardigans.



saltaire church

Bus Stop


Let's get social!

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  1. I truly love that even though you're grown, you and your brother still love to go on holiday with your parents. I would happily do the same with mine in a heartbeat, too. There is so much beauty in the UK. I always love seeing more if it and daydreaming about when I finally am ably to take a holiday there myself.

    Joyful start of summer wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

  2. I won't lie, I had to look up the word "cagoule." I've never seen it before! Obviously, from the context it means a raincoat. And I'm going to try to use it every opportunity I can!

    1. Ah, sorry! It doesn't seem to be a word that's used in America (according to Wikipedia at least) but you're right, it's a rain coat. Actually, also according to Wikipedia, mine isn't technically a cagoule because it's more heavy duty than the unlined fold-away coats. It was definitely necessary though...

  3. How beautiful! I would love visit sometime, it's absolutely gorgeous. All of your pictures look like something that you'd see on a post card, it's just lovely. It's great that you still enjoy spending time with your family, the years where you can still do that really pass by pretty quickly if you let them.

  4. Stunning pictures, I hope you really enjoyed your holiday in such a beautiful and scenic place! Also, your hair looks super cute in these photos. Just sayin'. :)

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

    1. Thanks Bonita! I was pleased I didn't have too much trouble with it despite the weather :)
