
Outfit: Return of the Teddy Girl

by - 08:30

Teddy Girl

I've been really busy recently with a lot of things that caused me to take a bit of a step back from blogging etc, so I really wanted to just check in and share a few things. The majority of my time has been taken up with finishing off the last few hours of my research assistant job (which I've been doing since March or so this year) and the remainder with volunteering, my weekend job, and a couple of trips away. Between everything that's been happening, I've had very little worth sharing on my blog because I don't generally wear vintage or vintage styles for work. For my RA work and volunteering, I like to choose outfits that are comfortable and easy to move around in, and which I wouldn't be heartbroken about if they were to get dirty or damaged. For my weekend job, I mostly wear modern workwear, even though the company I work for is quite happy for me to dress in a vintage style. I actually used to wear vintage for work a lot when I first started, but I had a lot of modern workwear that I otherwise wouldn't wear, and I've found over time that I prefer to dress in a modern style for work because it allows me to be a bit more lazy about things - for example I almost always wear my hair straight for work, and usually tied up in a basic ponytail.

Teddy Girl

Teddy Girl

The next few weeks I have some "time off" before getting back in the lab, but a lot of my time will be taken up with job and PhD applications. I am excited for the next phase of my life to start but I'm finding it tough not knowing what will be happening for me over the upcoming months.

I've been trying to dress in a vintage style in my limited time off, but I've been drawn a lot to casual low maintenance looks and I've mostly been leaving my dresses in the wardrobe. My Freddies have been getting a lot of mileage recently as they're so easy to throw on but still look polished and put together. These blue ones seem to be a bit shorter in the leg than my grey ones and don't have such a good turn-up if I just turn them up to my ankle, so I like to roll them a bit higher up my legs instead.

Teddy Girl

Teddy Girl

For this outfit I'm also wearing one of my favourite t-shirts (I have a small collection of Bowie t-shirts; I'm a huge fan) and a coat which I stole from my brother, but which I think he won't be getting back! It's just the perfect finishing touch for this outfit. I am all over the teddy girl vibes the coat lends. I really want to try this same outfit with a men's white button down.

teddy girl

It's a long time since I wore anything deliberately teddy girl inspired but I've been meaning for ages to revisit it on a more regular basis. The other teddy girl outfit that I blogged back in 2013 remains one of my most viewed outfit posts, and I know several other vintage bloggers have done similar outfit posts, so I'm always surprised that the look doesn't crop up more often.

The coat, by the way, is totally necessary at the moment because the weather here is rubbish recently. Cold, wet, and really windy. We're supposed to be getting some better weather over the next few weeks though, so fingers crossed!

Teddy Girl

Coat - Stolen  from my brother | T-shirt - Old, Primark | Jeans - Freddies of Pinewood
Belt - Borrowed from one of my Lindy Bop dresses |Socks - no idea | Shoes - Deichmann

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  1. So cute! Your hair looks great, too.

  2. Gorgeous! I love the teddy girl style, and it suits you perfectly. You've managed to take jeans and a t-shirt and make them totally cute and totally vintage.
    <3, Zella Maybe

  3. Very, very cool outfit! That Bowie tee is such a great twist on the classic Teddy Girl look.

    ♥ Jessica

  4. Cute
