
Vintage Haworth: Rose and Co. Apothecary

by - 08:30

While we were on holiday, we were staying just outside Haworth where the Bronte sisters lived and did most of their writing. It's also the home of the Haworth 1940s weekend which I've yet to attend, but I do hope to make it to the Haworth Steampunk weekend in November. Of particular interest however, is that Haworth, like several of the other places we visited on holiday, has several vintage shops that I made sure to investigate. I took lots of photos inside Rose and Co. because it's so beautiful. I've dedicated this post to Rose and Co. by itself to avoid the post getting too long, but I will share some photos and information from the other vintage shops I visited in another post soon.

Rose and Co. Apothecary 
84 Main Street
West Yorkshire
BD22 8DP

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth

Rose and Co. Apothecary Haworth
*apologies for that last blurry photo, the little lady was too pretty not to share!

Rose and Co. Apothecary is housed in the original apothecary where Branwell Bronte purchased opium. The shop décor is in keeping with the apothecary theme and there are lots of interesting things to look at such as posters advertising for old products (think along the lines of Pears soap, Cadbury cocoa, etc), antique shop fittings, and beautiful old packets and bottles. The apothecary section of the shops sells bath and body products such as soaps, hand creams, and perfumes. In the back of the shop is a clothing boutique selling items from brands such as Lindy Bop, Vivien of Holloway, Banned, Freddies of Pinewood, and Stop Staring, as well as lingerie and beauty products.

This was one of my favourite shops to visit, and well worth looking into if you wear any reproduction vintage garments.

Rose and Co. have a website which you can find here and you can also keep up with them on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Fabulous shop! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love looking around places like this shop - will have to put Haworth on the list of potential destinations this summer!

  3. I could spend hours looking in every nook and cranny. Amazing shop!

  4. Haworth is a lovely little town! I used to go on holiday quite a lot but I haven't been for a few years. It just feels like you're going back in time. Did you go on the railway where they filmed The Railway Children? X

    1. Not this time, but I hope I can have a trip on another visit!

  5. Wow, what a lovely looking shop!

  6. I think I literally just found my dream store - and it only took two weeks shy of thirty-one years of life to do. Wow, wow, and super wow again. I truly want to visit there one day. Thank you for the breathtaking introduction, sweet dear.

    ♥ Jessica
