
And Then There Were None

by - 08:30

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

helen mae green for steve bond images and tip top hair design

Hello everyone! Here's a little 30s-inspired shoot for your Monday morning. This outfit makes me feel like the "bitch" character from Poirot. You know - sometimes American, often a redhead, usually a murder suspect but is actually having an affair or embezzling money? I think I look a little too friendly to properly carry it off but hopefully you see where I was going with that! The hat really sets it off but I didn't want to squash my beautiful hair. 

If anyone wants me, I'll be sunning myself by the lido.

Photos by Steve Bond Images and hair by Jac at Tip Top Hair Design.

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  1. You are far too nice to be able to pull off an evil character!

    I love the style of your top and those trousers look really comfy.

  2. More gorgeous photos. I know what you mean about the Poirot character but the third photo gives it all away - you're far too nice to b a villain and the more more suspicious looks are just for show! Kx

  3. Haha! I love your description of your outfit! You could totally fit into a Poirot, but I wouldn't suspect you for a moment :)

    1. Well the people you don't suspect usually turn out to be the most dangerous, so you never know!
