Outfit: Youths in Edwardian Dress

by - 09:00

Teddy Girl

Teddy Girl

Teddy Girl

Teddy Girl

Teddy girl style is something I like to reintroduce to my life every once in a while. Sometimes it's a bit more authentic and sometimes more modern with a nod to the original Teddy girls but either way it's something I really enjoy. It combines a lot of the different things I enjoy about fashion - attitude, individuality, counter culture, and historic elements. This outfit includes two of my favourite sartorial possessions - my riding jacket and Edwardian parasol. Does anyone want to join my girl gang?

Let's get social!

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  1. I always love seeing your Teddy Girl styles! Very well done and yes, I'll join your gang ;)

  2. I would absolutely join your girl gang! I love Teddy Girl style, and it's something that I often try to incorporate into my looks, especially in the autumn. Loving the fur collar on your jacket and the pretty umbrella - the contrast between your decadent look and the crumbling brick is so striking, just like a Teddy Girl should be!

    1. Thank, I'm glad you like it! And welcome aboard haha.
