
Steampunk Saturdays: Mechanical Foxes

by - 07:30

Steampunk Fox Hunt

Steampunk Fox Hunt

Steampunk Fox Hunt

Steampunk Fox Hunt

Steampunk Fox Hunt

This outfit makes me feel slightly like I should be attending a fox hunt. Steampunk foxes are probably clockwork or somesuch, and therefore cruelty free :)

I chose this brown/copper topper (... copper topper... heh) with cog detailing to add a bit of something to an otherwise fairly plain outfit. I'm not very good at accessorising so it's quite nice to have a statement accessory to do the work for me.

Blouse - Vero Moda via Asos | Skirt - vintage 1970s 
Boots - Charity shop | Hat - Natty Titfers

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  1. Beautiful outfit, and photos! I have always loved Victorian fashion so anything with a Victorian twist appeals to me - fashion wise it's probably my favorite era - even more so than the decades that I like to wear now, it's just not an easy era to wear without standing out too much.

    1. I totally agree! I'd love to wear a Victorian or Steampunk style all the time but it's a bit much for everyday, even for me.

  2. My goodness that first picture is perfection!! You look so stunning in this ensemble!! xxx

  3. These photos look amazing! I love your blouse, it is perfect. I don't know much about steampunk as I rather like basic vintage styles, but the twist that the hat adds is wonderful. I love your lipstick too!

    Julia xx

  4. So this is going to be a regular thing, then? Lovely!
    It's funny, I don't think of steampunk as having a rural element, but I think you've made it work beautifully in a more rural setting. Love the hat and shoes, it's amazing how accessories can take a normal outfit right into steampunk territory.

    1. Yes, it will be semi-regular (in the sense that I'll only be posting as and when I have something to photograph) although I'll be continuing to focus on my usual vintage topics :)

  5. Fantastic outfit and photos! You look amazing and I love that blouse.

  6. oohh beautiful outfit! The scenery looks perfect for your look :)

  7. Gorgeous photos and such a fun vintage meets steampunk ensemble. This style looks sensational on you!

    ♥ Jessica
