
Steampunk Saturdays: The Lady

by - 09:30

Steampunk Lady

Steampunk Lady

Steampunk Lady

Steampunk Lady

Steampunk Lady

This sweet lace-trimmed hat is another from Natty Titfers. I felt quite the Lady posing by the lake with my beautiful hat and parasol. I think a smart pair of steampunk glasses would set off this outfit nicely. The next thing on my list is a new pair of boots, which I've been searching for for a couple of years. I prefer boots without zips because I walk with my feet so close together and have a tendancy to trip because the zip gets in the way. Boots without zips seem very difficult to get hold of (unless you want Doc Martens or similar). I've found a few likely-looking pairs in charity shops (which seems to be the best place to come by them) recently but charity shops here are expensive so I rarely shop in them. Sorry, but £7.99 for a pair of second-hand New Look shoes seems a bit steep to me. So, the search goes on.

Hat - Natty Titfers | Dress - Primark | Necklace - gift
Gloves - vintage, gift | Boots - Charity shop | Stockings - 1960s vintage, gift

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  1. So fabulously lovely! There is something awesomely fresh and sweetly feminine about a steampunk look involving a white dress like this. Gorgeous styling!

    ♥ Jessica

  2. You look so lovely! I adore the stark contrast of the white dress, and the green background! And I hope you're able to figure your boot dilemma!

    Carla, Tiny Angry Crafts

    1. I managed to sort it out a bit - there will be a post soon! x
