
Steampunk Saturdays: Happy Hallowe'en

by - 08:30

steampunk halloween outfit via lovebirds vintage

steampunk halloween outfit via lovebirds vintage

steampunk halloween outfit via lovebirds vintage

steampunk halloween outfit via lovebirds vintage

steampunk halloween outfit via lovebirds vintage

I am writing this post well in advance of Hallowe'en, and I have no idea what I'll be doing for Hallowe'en this year if anything. The last couple of years I've been to costume parties but with moving away, I decided to have my Hallowe'en in August and instead to get dressed up and showcase another hat from Natty Titfers.

This hat was too special not to photograph but I was struggling to come up with an outfit to wear it with. However, it was an opportunity to play a bit of dress-up and so I ended up with this sort of "Burlesque-punk" look.

Let's get social!

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  1. Fantastic ensemble! I adore that gorgeous ruby red skirt! You look so awesome!

    Have a fun filled, marvelous Halloween, my lovely friend!
    ♥ Jessica
