
In Retrospect

by - 08:00

Disclaimer: These issues of In Retrospect Magazine were sent to me free of charge for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

In Retrospect Magazine

Recently the folks over at In Retrospect Magazine were kind enough to send me all four back issues of the magazine to read and review. It has actually taken me much longer than I would have liked to get this review published, but the reason for that is actually the first point I have to discuss in my review - so without further ado, let's have a look:

So the main reason (apart from my busy lifestyle as I settle into my new home and new university) why it has taken me longer than I would have liked to review the magazine is that there is a really large amount of content in each issue. The magazines are nice and thick with plenty of articles and features, but many of the articles are also nice and lengthy - perfect to get stuck into over a cup of tea and some biscuits(of which I ate probably my entire week's allowance in one sitting, I have a horrendous sweet tooth...).

In Retrospect Magazine

The articles themselves cover a great range of topics including fashion, history, film and television, music and dance, interviews, events, seasonal topics, and advice on shopping for and caring for vintage clothing.

Some of my favourite types of article from In Retrospect are the opinion pieces (I don't always agree with the opinion being put forward but isn't that half the fun?) and the fashion spreads. I love the beautifully styled outfits and the way the photos are presented. There's a stunning film noir lookbook in issue 4 which is probably my favourite of all of them. (In Retrospect, if you're looking for a new model I'm available and have experience ;) ) 

In Retrospect Magazine

Having said that my favourite types of article are the opinion pieces and fashion spreads, I must also give special mention to the history articles. They are very thorough and cover topics from lifestyle to transport, and I've been learning all kinds of things. There's a great article about kitchenware brands from yesteryear which still exist today but did you know that although I always refer to my food storage boxes as "Tupperwares", Tupperware actually ceased trading in the UK in 2003?

At the end of each issue is a great run-down of forthcoming events, places to visit, television programmes of interest and more. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on the events section as I don't yet know what kinds of things happen in the vintage world in the area where I'm now living.

In Retrospect Magazine

One thing I'd like to see more of in the magazine is seasonal fashion. I'm in the process of shopping for some new clothing for this Autumn/Winter and although I've got a bit of inspiration from the Autumn and Winter issues, I still find it hard to shop for cold weather-appropriate repro items as much of it seems to be short-sleeved and the same lightweight cotton as the summer offerings but with a seasonal print. However, there are a couple of companies I've seen featured or advertised in the magazine that I'll definitely be checking out so watch this space!

In Retrospect Magazine

Overall In Retrospect is well worth checking out if you're into 20th century history or any aspects of the vintage lifestyle. It retails at £4.50 per issue and is published quarterly. Subscriptions start from £12.

ETA: Since a few people have brought it up in the comments - In Retrospect ship worldwide, so don't worry if you're not from the UK.

In Retrospect Magazine

P.S. please leave your recommendations for some nice warm repro clothing in the comments so I don't freeze this winter! I live by the sea now so those sea breezes are a bit chilly, brrr....

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  1. That magazine looks great, definitely the kind of thing I would read if they sold it where I am. I would love for there to be a vintage magazine that's *just* about fashion, that would be amazing.

    When it comes to warm repro clothing I love Collectif's stuff - their long winter trousers are great, and the knitted 'Freddie' tops too. I also love my Voodoo Vixen cardigans, those are very warm and look lovely.

    1. I'll give Collectif a look - hopefully I can find some things there to withstand an English winter. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Looks like such a good magazine with a good variety. I love the crocheted blanket in the background!

    1. Thanks, my mum made the lovely blanket for me :)

  3. I wish this magazine would be published here where I live ! Looks awesome!

  4. Looks like a great magazine, with lots of interesting content and images. I'll definitely have to check it out soon!

  5. These magazine do look amazing and I would love to read and be inspired by them. The lookbooks in them would really interest me.


  6. Really lovely review! I recently started reading this publication and enjoyed hearing your views on it. The point about more seasonal fashion spreads is a good one and I agree with it for sure. I'm quite taken with this magazine over all and plan on reviewing them a bit later on my blog, too.

    ♥ Jessica
