Porcelain | Ged Carton Photography

by - 09:00

helen mae green for ged carton photography

helen mae green for ged carton photography

helen mae green for ged carton photography

helen mae green for ged carton photography

helen mae green for ged carton photography

helen mae green for ged carton photography

Following on from last week, here are some more pictures from my last shoot with Ged Carton. The dress this time is the Lindy Bop "Ruth" dress (I love the pattern which reminds me of fine china) and I made the petticoat myself... and yes, that is a real butterfly.   

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  1. you look so pretty and classic :) photo nº 5 is my favourite!

  2. What beautiful shots!

    I love Lindy Bop Ruth too - reminds me of pretty teapots!

    How lucky you were to get a shot with the butterfly, I think it might be my favourite :)

    Kate xx

    1. I get the same feeling from the Ruth dress, such a pretty print.
      A bit of behind the scenes that you don't get to see in the pictures - I spent ages chasing butterflies around in a lavender hedge to get that shot! Not something most people would be used to experiencing during photoshoots haha.

  3. What beautiful shots!

    I love Lindy Bop Ruth too - reminds me of pretty teapots!

    How lucky you were to get a shot with the butterfly, I think it might be my favourite :)

    Kate xx

  4. That shot of you with the butterfly is magical! You look beautiful as always :)

  5. You look beautiful! These photos are perfect! x

  6. Really lovely images! The one where you're resting your chin on your wrist (on the back of the bench) is my very favourite. I second what Harlow said - the image with the butterfly is enchanting!

    ♥ Jessica

  7. Very pretty and romantic images. I love the china plate print!

  8. I just found your blog and I'm glad I did! These photos are beautiful, you really have a 'vintage face' if you know what I mean :p
    I love your dress too of course, that print is amazing!

    Julia xx

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, I am very glad you like my blog! I get the face comment quite a bit so understand what you mean :)
