
Thorpe Cloud

by - 09:00

Thorpe Cloud 1

I mentioned a while ago that I'd refashioned a few of my brother's old shirts for myself. I used the excellent instructions Emileigh wrote for The Girl With The Star-Spangled Heart and I'm really pleased with the result. I took my blouse for its first proper outing to Thorpe Cloud which was very windy!

While the blouse is a little too short to tuck into these modern trousers, it's perfect with most of my skirts and high waisted bottoms. I'm really proud of some of the little details, especially the bias binding on the arm holes. I switched the original buttons for some prettier ones I salvaged from an old blouse of mine that wore out. I'll definitely be able to get a lot of wear out of these new blouses for the rest of the year.



Thorpe Cloud is the name of a large hill in between Dovedale and Ilam in Derbyshire. I've climbed Thorpe Cloud before, but not for a long time, so it was nice to go again. It's quite a climb depending which path you take up, and I'd just like to point out that my footwear is totally unsuitable (although we saw one woman doing it in high heels, which beggars belief. I'd really recommend doing it in sturdy footwear with good grip such as good quality trainers at the least or better still, walking boots.

The views are great if you can make it to the top though. The last time I went to Dovedale was in November (although we didn't climb Thorpe Cloud) and I'm really pleased I've been able to get some photos from the summer to compare.

Thorpe Cloud

Dovedale from Thorpe Cloud

Thorpe Cloud 6

Thorpe Cloud 7

Blouse - Made by me | Trousers and belt - Old, Primark | Bracelets - Charity shops
Necklace (just seen) - 1950s or 60s vintage, gift from my grandparents
Socks and Earrings - Old, Primark | Shoes - Clarks

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  1. The shirt is lovely! Very well crafted! Also, I love the darker lipstick color you wore with this outfit; it compliments the light colors well :)

  2. You did a great job refashioning this mens shirt into a perfect 50s blouse, love it! The English country side is so stunning - and so GREEN and lush! Looks like such a lovely day :)

  3. Great revamping job! This shirt looks so timelessly pretty on you now.

    ♥ Jessica

  4. You look lovely. Loving the landscapes as well. I went to Derbyshire in January, and it was all covered in snow, which was lovely, but nice to see what it looks like in the summer as well

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love Derbyshire, it's really one of my favourite counties.
