

by - 08:00

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Blacksmith Urbex

Here's another one for those of you who enjoy decaying buildings. This blacksmith's workshop was nearby where I was staying on my recent trip to America (the main reason for my absence of a few weeks!) and I couldn't resist photographing it even though I didn't have my good camera with me. It was small but I still enjoyed looking at all the different little interesting features.

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  1. This post is amazing!! I adore this sort of stuff! Thank you for sharing!


    1. Thanks, me too! I know it doesn't necessarily fit in with the type of content I normally post but I hope it might appeal to my readers anyway. I'll continue to add to my Urbex series whenever I can.
