
Outfit: RockaRosie

by - 10:44

Good morning everyone!

Firstly I would like to thank you all for your lovely and supportive comments on my previous post about going into court. If you missed my previous post and don't know why I had to go into court - don't worry, I didn't do anything wrong. It was actually the last exam of my university course and you can read a bit more about it here, if you so wish.

It was horrible as predicted, but I actually managed to achieve a fairly decent mark despite spouting some utter nonsense while I was on the stand.

In between then and now I have been spending a lot of time clearing out a load of old stuff that I no longer need. I am a hoarder of stuff - anything that might be useful usually gets kept - so it was actually quite nice get rid of most of it.

Since I have been spending my time in the house having a clear out, I haven't been wearing much that was worth sharing, but I also seem to have got out of the rhythm of blogging properly. I decided to check in today but I only managed to get one semi-decent photo and all the rest were horrible.

This is fairly representative of the sort of thing I have been doing to do the cleaning. Quite a modern rockabilly vibe, I think. I call the hairstyle "my hair won't do the thing". Because today it won't do that thing. Or this thing. Or anything at all, actually. I was too lazy to curl it, basically, so I pinned it all up and shoved it under a bandana. 

I am really pleased with the capris as I bought them last summer and they didn't fit quite right. It was that annoying problem where this pair were slightly too small, but the next size up would have been too big. I hung onto them though and evidently I have lost some weight since then as they now fit perfectly. Hopefully we will get some nice summer weather so I can wear them more often!

Hope you are all doing well and I will see you soon!

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  1. Oh good I'm glad your finals went well! And best of all - *it's over* haha. I'm trying to do a bit of a clean myself.... it's an uphill battle. Regardless of what your hair is or isn't doing, it looks great:)

    xo Sara

    1. I really am glad it's over! Thank you for the hair comment, I was a bit unsure about it but glad to hear it looks okay.

  2. I think you look great! I love the capris.

    I do understand about the hair. I recently got a very bad hair cut and have had issues with getting it to brush out in any favorable manner.

    1. Oh no! Bad hair cuts are the worst. I hope it sorts itself out for you soon.

  3. You still look super cute, though! The capris are adorable!

  4. OH my you look DIVINE in those capris, you have the loveliest figure and they fit you so perfectly! I really love casual outfits like this :D
    I'm glad that your scary exam is over now, university can be so stressful...especially when you have to present something in front of a group. I always take beta blockers to make sure I can get through it :P

    1. Wow, thanks! They're so nice to wear now that they fit properly.

      I haven't tried beta blockers for it, perhaps that's something to look into for the next time I have something like that, although I am actually hoping to never have to do it again...

  5. Wonderful job on getting through your court day, honey - I'd been thinking about you all week since your post about it and was curious about how things went. Congrats on getting a decent mark, that's awesome!

    You look so sweet, summery and pretty - three big cheers for the return of capri weather!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad it went okay in the end.
