
Outfit: Flower girl

by - 19:56

The weather today was beautiful, so I was really happy to be able to get out and enjoy it, and also to be able to have some photos outside for a change.

I had to go out today to meet some people about doing some volunteering over the summer so I wanted to wear something smart, but not too formal. I love this outfit for the summer!

summer rockabilly outfit style via lovebirds vintage

Top - can't remember 
Cardigan and shoes - Tesco | Skirt - Primark

summer rockabilly outfit style via lovebirds vintage

summer rockabilly outfit style via lovebirds vintage

summer rockabilly outfit style via lovebirds vintage

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  1. So beautiful and summery!!! That skirt looks very vintage and I love your pastel pink cardigan, can't believe you got it at Tescos!

    1. I know, I could hardly believe it either! It is my favourite cardigan without a doubt.

  2. My dear gal, you look (and are) so splendidly beautiful. Florals have been the name of the game for me lately, too. It's just impossible for spring to really get underway here again at long last and for my florals to remain tucked away in the closet - they long to get out in the sun like their real garden counterpoints once more. :)

    Wishing you a marvelous Monday & week ahead,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you!

      I know that feeling, we haven't had much good weather here either so I jumped at the chance to wear something floral and summery!

  3. Gorgeous! Your skirt is so nice, I love floral print, but here weather is not good these days and I really want to wear summery dresses and floral print.

    1. We haven't had much nice weather here either but I grabbed the chance when we got a nice day. I do love a good floral print!

  4. Such an adorable skirt! You look great!

  5. Love your border print skirt and the back of your blouse. Adorable!

  6. Beautiful! The hues in that skirt are sublime, so many outfit possibilities! Although... this pairing is so lovely... it might be hard to stray from... haha. Thank you for sharing with us all!

    xo Sara

    1. It does go with a lot of things but you're right, I have mostly been wearing it like this because it just works so well. I have a few other combinations in mind though so I will have to try those out at some point.
