
Outfit: Spring 1975

by - 09:00

Recently I've been enjoying 1970s fashion. I've dabbled a bit here and there in the past but generally prefer to admire it from afar. However, since I bought this lovely pinafore dress, I've been experiencing a bit of a resurgence in interest in actually wearing those styles. I've got my eye on a suede miniskirt but for now I'm enjoying wearing the heck out of this dress for both work and play. Here I styled it in a way that immediately sprung to mind when I first tried it on; with a blouse and long socks. I have another blouse that I am sure will look nice, so you won't have seen the last of this dress just yet.

Pinafore dress

Pinafore dress

Pinafore dress

Pinafore dress

Pinafore dress

1960s/70s dress | Blouse - old, via Asos | Socks and coat - Primark
Boots - Miss KG via Shoeaholics | Brooch - gift

Today I also have an outtake for you, which I know I don't often share but sometimes one comes up that's too good not to. I try never to take myself too seriously and it's only fair if you get to laugh along with me. So here's a picture of me very carefully tiptoeing through the tulips, um, daffodils.

Pinafore dress outtake

Photos by Lexie

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  1. SO many daffodils!! Those socks remind me so much of school. Looking forward to seeing the other ways you style that dress x

  2. Thoroughly lovely outfit. You take to 70s fashion as naturally as a duck to water.

    ♥ Jessica
