
Outfit: Cosmic Symbol

by - 09:00

Cosmic Symbol

Cosmic Symbol

Cosmic Symbol

Cosmic Symbol

Cosmic Symbol

Jumper - Primark | Dress - 1960s or 70s vintage | Tights -  old, high street
Boots - charity shop

My dad has this wonderful old camera, which I've been wanting to use for a shoot for ages. It's a Russian model, and the brand name is "Cosmic Symbol" as marked on the top. I think I am going to steal borrow it for another shoot, as it's such a cool piece of kit.

The dress is a new one I picked up recently and I am already planning several other outfits with it. I love the fact that it's a pinafore style - the only one in this style that I currently own - which I feel makes it more versatile in a lot of ways than other styles of dress. It's pretty chilly at the moment so a nice jumper and opaque tights are the order of the day.

I've just finished fixing up another new (old) dress which I can't wait to wear; I'm starting to discover all the best places for vintage shopping in my new area and I'm excited about my new finds.

That's all for now, see you all same time next week! x

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  1. This is so so so pretty! Everything about this post is just perfection. x

  2. This is such a fantastic look! Brown is incredibly flattering on you, as is the length of your dress. I haven't lucked into any pinafore style dresses yet, but I'm always hoping to, especially after seeing yours.
    Cosmic Symbol is a great name for a camera-- well, for anything really. So cool!

    1. I was looking for one for ages before I found this one - I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more!

  3. Pinafores and jumpers are my go to look for winter and colder days. Love these photos, the camera is great!

  4. It's really nice seeing you in a more '60s/'70s look! I am used to seeing you more in '40s and '50s but this really suits you, and the camera was the perfect prop wasn't it? So cute! x

    1. Thank you! I wonder if more 60s/70s looks might make their way into my wardrobe now.
