
Outfit: Taffeta and Red Satin

by - 09:00

Taffeta and Red Satin via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

So I know I'm a bit late (it always happens at this time of year) but here is what I wore on Christmas Day.

The blouse is an old one which doesn't get much use as it's actually a bit too low cut for me (it would probably be better on someone with a slightly larger chest) so I'm in the habit of either wearing a lacy camisole underneath it or pinning it in place as I have done here.

The skirt is a favourite of my which has appeared on the blog before, but which again sadly doesn't get much use as it's very dressy.

Taffeta and Red Satin via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

I had a really nice Christmas at home with my family, although I only took Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day off work - I'd have liked a longer break as I found the first term of my PhD course quite draining, and I haven't been getting any weekends recently either. If you don't hear from me for a while it may be because I have decided to hibernate for a while to recover!

Taffeta and Red Satin via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

Taffeta and Red Satin via lovebirdsvintage.co.uk

P.S. I hope you all like my new theme! I'm still working out a few kinks (i.e. dimensions of photos for the new layout and the scrolling section at the top) which hopefully will be sorted out once I've worked my way through my last few scheduled posts. Any comments/questions/suggestions, please let me know!

Blouse - old, George | Skirt - 1950s vintage | Shoes - Deichmann | Jewellery - gift

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  1. As pretty as a bird! Perhaps a Robin, because of the red chest? I love that skirt, nice to see it again. I empathise with your PhD workload - I had my first PhD annual review today, as I'm 9 months in, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed!! xx

    1. Hope your review went well! I'm starting the practical part of my research at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb all being well so I'm hoping it all goes well.

  2. I love this skirt so much, it is stunning!

  3. I love this skirt so much, it is stunning!

  4. Beautiful Outfit, perfect for Christmas. x

  5. This is such a sophisticated, beautiful outfit. I just love a full skirt and blouse combo for the holidays.

    ♥ Jessica

  6. Love this skirt Helen. The black and red are lovely. :)
