
Family Photos

by - 09:00

Today I have some photos to share with you that I have scanned out of our family albums. I spent some time scanning quite a few photos, but here I have included the ones which I think would be of the most interest to others.

Although I am normally happy to have my photos shared elsewhere on the internet, I would ask you to please refrain from sharing or redistributing these photos on the web however do feel free to share a link to this post instead. 

family photos - please do not share or redistribute elsewhere

My great great uncle (great granddad's brother) during a 3 week convalescence in Bridlington, 1937. Also check out the very stylish lady in the background.

family photos - please do not share or redistribute elsewhere

Granny in her nurse's uniform with possibly a doctor/male nurse and a patient (?)

family photos - please do not share or redistribute elsewhere

One of the earliest photos we own. We don't know exactly who these people are, but think they might be two of my great granddad's brothers.  We have dated the photo to possibly sometime in the 1920s. 

family photos - please do not share or redistribute elsewhere

4 generations - my mum, grandmother, great grandmother and great great grandmother. I've recently purchased a dress which is quite similar to the one my granny is wearing in this picture (the spotty dress). 

family photos - please do not share or redistribute elsewhere

My great granddad with his horse.

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My great grandmother's sister during the 1940s

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My great great grandfather.

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The wedding of my great uncle's daughter, 1969. She made her own wedding dress and is wearing it with white gogo boots!

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My great granddad again. 

family photos - please do not share or redistribute elsewhere

My great great grandmother and her brother on holiday, so funny!

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My granny and her brothers, late 1940s or early 1950s

family photos - please do not share or redistribute elsewhere

My mum and her sister, 1960s

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My mum and great grandparents. I think my mum was about 14 or 15 here so this will be early 1970s. I love my mum's dress in this photo. (Edit: she says she was actually 18 here)

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  1. This is so much fun, thank you for sharing! You look a lot like your grandmother.

  2. I could look at old photos for hours so I found this to be a treat. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. Oooh, these are so immensely special. Both the vintage lover and the passionate family genealogist in me adores this lovely photo filled post. Thank you deeply for opening up your treasured family albums to all of us.

    ♥ Jessica

  4. What a glorious series of photos. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. These are lovely! Thank you for sharing these with us!

    I have often contemplated sharing some of my own family photos but have felt torn, as I'm not sure if my family would like it or not, nor if I tried to ask for permission would they be able to understand, as they aren't exactly tech savvy... :/


    1. I understand - I also asked some permission and selected carefully which photos to share. I had to be cautious about where the might end up hence asking people not to share them elsewhere.
