
Potting Shed

by - 10:00

land girl via lovebirds vintage

land girl via lovebirds vintage

land girl via lovebirds vintage
Hmm, what's behind here?

land girl via lovebirds vintage
Shall I dig a Victory garden?

Blouse - Matalan | Skirt - 1970s vintage | Cardigan - made by me
Stockings - Ann Summers | Shoes - Dorothy Perkins

We grow vegetables in the garden almost every year, but this year has just been too busy! I am still feeling the land girl-ish vibes. Not bored of it yet.


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  1. And a lovely landgirl you make too! We've managed to sow a few seeds - courgettes are doing well indoors, but am yet to see if the carrots, onions and leeks I put outside will take. Time will tell! P x

  2. Love your blog I print clothing amongst other items your shop sounds great may look into one my self let me know if you need any thing

  3. that's a really beautiful outfit

    retro rover

  4. What a sweet, classic outfit. The soothing colour palette calls to mind a garden itself and seems especially at home in this fun potting shed setting. Brown really is a strikingly lovely colour on you, dear gal.

    ♥ Jessica
