
Hailing frequencies open, Captain.

by - 17:24

My latest museum visit was to the Space Centre in Leicester.

space man astronaut at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

I am a huge fan of science fiction and the lovely Mr Bowie, so I had a grand old time pretending to be a member of Star Fleet and singing all the space-themed Bowie songs.

russian space capsule at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

mars rover at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

war of the worlds tripod sci fi at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

Above: A tripod from War of the Worlds. The green laser fires and makes a sound as you walk underneath - I needed about 6 goes at walking underneath before I was satisfied that I'd seen it enough times!

moon walkers old television at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

salute at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

space cadet at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

Doing my best Uhura impression - "Hailing frequencies open, Captain"
And this outfit was good the last time I wore it sooo.... I wore it again.

space rocket thor at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

le voyage dans la lune jules verne h.g. wells 1902 sci fi film at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

The above image was taken in a small cinema at the centre where you could watch Le Voyage Dans La Lune ("A Trip To The Moon") from 1902. It's a film based on From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne, and The First Men In The Moon by H.G. Wells. I love H.G. Wells but I have never read any Jules Verne - I must get some sorted out for me to read. 

the moon voyage by jules verne at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

the first men in the moon by h.g. wells at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

I found Le Voyage Dans La Lune in its entirety on Youtube, and you can watch it for yourself in the clip below. I highly recommend it - it's a charming film and I found it really interesting to see some of the science fiction ideas of the time rendered on film. In the story, some astronomers decide to take a trip to the moon in a capsule which is fired from a cannon. If you are interested, there are also several other versions of the film on Youtube which use different music, and there are some hand-coloured clips as well.

rocket blast off at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

rothwell alien autopsy head hoax at leicester space centre via lovebirds vintage

Above: this is the head from the Roswell Alien Autopsy. I am not sure if it is the real head from the film or if it is a reproduction, but you can watch the autopsy clip on Youtube here and read about the hoax on Wikipedia here.

As much as I enjoyed all the space things, I will leave you with my favourite photos from the visit. I was super excited by the 1969 living room, which they had set up to show how the first moon landing would have been seen on television.

1969 moon landing atomic psychedelic living room via lovebirds vintage

1969 moon landing atomic psychedelic living room via lovebirds vintage

1969 radio via lovebirds vintage

1969 atomic clock via lovebirds vintage

1969 television test card via lovebirds vintage

1969 living room desk typewriter office via lovebirds vintage

So did I have fun playing with all the cool stuff in this awesome dream living room? You bet your buttons I did.

1969 moon landing atomic psychedelic living room via lovebirds vintage

1969 moon landing atomic psychedelic living room via lovebirds vintage

1969 moon landing atomic psychedelic living room via lovebirds vintage

Don't forget you can also find me on Facebook, Tumblr and Bloglovin'! I have also added a tab to the menu at the top of my blog where you can view all the posts from all my days out. 

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  1. Fun pictures! I would love to visit this museum! And that living room is pretty awesome too :)

    1. It was a really great day out; I spent ages playing around in the living room.

  2. The 1969 room looks just like a set from the office in Mad Men!!! I love that last shot of you on the phone :D

    1. I really must get on and watch Mad Men at some point, I've never yet seen it. I liked that photo too, it was a lot of fun to take.

  3. Interactive museums (and science centre) like this are such a blast! Seeing these delightful photos makes me year to visit the Science Centre in Vancouver again (interestingly, a point I was just discussing with my husband a few days ago). It's about five hours away from us and I haven't been since I was either 13 or 14 - at least half my lifetime ago - so another visit is definitely in order one of these days.

    Big hugs & tons of happy Monday wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. I just googled the science centre in Vancouver, I wouldn't mind a visit myself. It looks really interesting!

  4. What a fun outing! Love those books especially and your circle skirt is just adorable!

  5. look on youtube for the colorized Le Voyage Dans La Lune shown at the cannes film festival...you will probably like it...

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