Outfit: Red Leopard

by - 08:30

Winter Pinup Outfit

Winter Pinup Outfit

Winter Pinup Outfit

I recently bought this amazing skirt in a charity shop and couldn't wait until the weather got cold enough to take it for a spin. It's a snuggly wool blend which will be just perfect for keeping me warm plus look at that slinky shape! I'm also really enjoying things in the burgundy-ish colour range at the moment because they kinda sorta match my hair which is pretty cool.

My sweet blouse is from Lindy Bop (although I don't think it's available any more), and I really liked the way the roses on the collar tie in with the colour of the skirt. Leopard print seemed like the ideal choice to top everything off and add a pinup touch. I felt like a proper glamour puss especially in my little instagram selfies.

Winter Pinup Outfit

A post shared by @helenmaegreen on

A post shared by @helenmaegreen on

I have already planned several other outfits featuring the skirt, and I'm sure it will be in regular rotation over the winter. I can see it maybe with a green cardigan at Christmas (and by the way, I can't believe how fast that is creeping up!)

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  1. Love this outfit! Especially that skirt!!

