Trentham Gardens

by - 08:30

Trentham Gardens

Trentham Gardens in Staffordshire is a beautiful location with a lake, gorgeous Italian gardens, and shops and a garden centre to explore. We visited on a glorious day which allowed me to enjoy wearing this pink polka dot dress from Collectif Clothing (actually I think it is an Aida Zak branded one). It has a wonderfully full skirt and although I'm not totally convinced that pink is my colour, I still love the patio style and oodles of ruffles.

Sadly I didn't get as many photos as I would have liked as I was too busy walking around and enjoying the sunshine, but hopefully this will give you a little bit of a taste of what the gardens look like. I have a few other photos that I might share later, but they will be the subject of a different blog post (or possibly two; but neither are in any way fashion related). Anyway, I'd really recommend a visit here if you're in the area - it makes a wonderful afternoon out especially in lovely weather with an ice cream.

Trentham Gardens

Trentham Gardens

Trentham Gardens

Trentham Gardens

Trentham Gardens

Trentham Gardens


Dress - Aida Zak (Collectif Clothing) | Shrug and sunglasses - Primark
Shoes - Shoezone | Jewellery - gifts

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  1. Great photo shoot - I really love your dress!

  2. Very pretty! I love the pink polka dots for the summer, it really suits you. What a beautiful and unusual place to shoot.
