
Outfit: Parklife

by - 16:30

vintage outfit

vintage outfit

vintage outfit

vintage outfit

vintage outfit

Vintage 1950s dress | Vintage 1970s jacket c/o Shpirulina Vintage (original post)
Jelly shoes - high street

I know I have neglected blogging recently but life has been just crazy! It's been super difficult fitting everything in but I do have some photos to share which I've been sitting on for a while, including these which are several weeks old but which I haven't had the chance to do anything with until now. 

We've been lucky enough to have some really nice weather recently (and some really bad weather but you win some, you lose some) so I have been making the most of it with all the clothes that don't get enough wear the rest of the year. This handmade 1950s dress was a pretty good bargain from a charity shop when I went on holiday to Scotland a year or two ago, and although it has its own matching jacket, I often prefer to wear it with other jackets or cardigans to make it look a bit less like I'm going to a wedding. My sparkly jelly shoes have also had a few outing this summer - maybe not authentic 1950s looking but I do love them!

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  1. I love them, too! Sparkly jelly shoes rock.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  2. I love the combination of the vintage dress with the jelly shoes! Wear what you love even if it is breaking some fashion "rules" :)
    The Artyologist
