

by - 07:30

1950s october outfit

1950s october outfit

1950s october outfit

1950s october outfit

1950s october outfit

1950s october outfit

1950s october outfit

Dress - 1950s vintage, charity shop find | Cardigan - M&S | Tights - old, high street
Shoes - Deichmann | Bracelet - Dorothy Perkins | Beret - Primark (old) 

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  1. Had to stop by to say I love the colours in this outfit! And I always, always love berets, so this is a winning look all round for me. At this point I think I'm the only blogger who hasn't posed with a pumpkin/s, I better get on it! CC x

    1. I know it's overdone, but I just can't resist when pumpkins have such a short season! They make the perfect prop for this time of year.

  2. I don't have pumpkins on blog neither :). really like your outfit, colors are so nice and shoes <3

  3. So stinkin' cute! I love the colors!

  4. Just once I'd like to see a picture of all your shoes. �� Cute outfit too!

  5. Such timelessly pretty colours (in your cute outfit) and photos. I love how you opted to put the focus on just one seasonal prop in each image.

    ♥ Jessica

  6. I must have missed the blogger memo about posing with a pumpkin!! Adorable outfit, love the autumn leaf too! Plenty of those around here to pose with, they keep slowing down my train to work... P x
