
Oxford: Museums

by - 22:02

By now I am sure it is no secret that I adore museums and often visit them. Oxford has several wonderful museums, and I did my best to try and visit them all while I was there. I would have liked to have more time for visiting, and there was one museum which I didn't manage to visit at all, but here are some of the wonderful things I saw:

The Ashmolean

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

the ashmolean via lovebirds vintage

I very much enjoyed visiting the Ashmolean and seeing all the amazing artefacts. It is a must visit if you enjoy learning about different cultures and civilisations, and it is mostly free to visit (apart from one or two special exhibitions). If art and archaeology is your thing, I would allow the best part of the day to get around and see everything.

the pitt rivers museum via lovebirds vintage

the pitt rivers museum via lovebirds vintage
Above: Votive offerings

the pitt rivers museum via lovebirds vintage

the pitt rivers museum via lovebirds vintage
Above: The shrunken heads were definitely one of the main attractions at the museum. 

the pitt rivers museum via lovebirds vintage

the pitt rivers museum via lovebirds vintage
Above: Victorian mourning jewellery made from the hair of the deceased.

The Pitt Rivers museum is Oxford's museum of archaeology and anthropology, and like the Ashmolean, it is jam packed full of fascinating things. I would allow at least a couple of hours to get round it, depending on your level of interest. 

museum of the history of science via lovebirds vintage

museum of the history of science via lovebirds vintage

museum of the history of science via lovebirds vintage

museum of the history of science via lovebirds vintage

The Museum of the History of Science was interesting, but not as packed with stuff as either the Ashmolean or Pitt Rivers. I would allow perhaps an hour or so to see this museum if you're really interested. 

oxford university museum of natural history via lovebirds vintage

oxford university museum of natural history via lovebirds vintage

oxford university museum of natural history via lovebirds vintage

The OUMNH is a special case for two reasons - firstly it's where I was doing my volunteer work for the duration of the two weeks I was in Oxford, and secondly because it's actually largely closed until 2014. There are some bits which are able to be seen as you go in to the Pitt Rivers, however.

I have some behind the scenes photos and lots of insect related things which I will save for another post, but I will definitely be making a trip back to Oxford to visit the museum when it is open. 

That is all for now - I hope you have enjoyed my photos and I haven't bored you to death! <3

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  1. I have just discovered your blog, and I have to say, I think you are super cool. I'm a big lover of museums, and I went through and looked at some of your reenactment photos, and those are even cooler! I would love to go to one of those events, and I'd love to hear your stories about them!

    1. Hi, nice to meet you! I post about reenactment every time I'm able to go, but I have been away a lot recently which has meant I've missed a few events, and I'm also working throughout August which means I can't get to any until the Autumn. I will definitely keep my blog up to date with anything that I manage to get to, though! :)

  2. How terrifically lovely and engaging! I adore large history filled museums like this (of which there aren't any around these parts for hundreds of miles - though we do have a few uber small local museums in various towns) and really adored seeing all of your snaps. The displays of jewelry and accessories are my faves, but each different one is captivating and so interesting for sure.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. The jewellery and accessories section in the Pitt Rivers was really interesting - I had lots of other photos but I didn't want to overload the post!

      Really good museums like these are somewhat scarce where I live as well, although I'm lucky that I'm often able to travel to ones in neighbouring cities and I make a point of trying to visit them whenever I go on holiday etc.
